Monday, August 5, 2024

Waffle Flower August Release + Giveaway

Hello!  Today is the big day!  Waffle Flower's August release is live and ready for shopping.  Yay!  You can shop all the new goodies HERE.  Plus, I have a GIVEAWAY to share with you, so make sure you read to the bottom of the post. 

I adore the Winter Floral Stencil and couldn’t stop creating with it!  So I cut a panel with the largest, straight stich A2 Lacy Layers Diepulled out all the Winter Floral Stencils, and got to work. 

I wanted to add a bit of dimension to my card, so I stenciled the large floral a second time and popped it up in the center of my card.  Then I added lots of snowy goodness by flicking white paint all over everything.  It really doesn’t take much to create a beautiful card using the Winter Floral Stencil because the beauty is built right into the design. 
I’m equally smitten with the Holiday Cheer Stamp Set and think these products pair perfectly together.  

Thanks so much for visiting today!  All of these fabulous products, cute book-themed products, and more are available now, so make sure you head over to the Waffle Flower Shop to check out this amazing new release.  But before you go, don't forget to enter the giveaway. :) 


Just leave a comment below by 11:59 pm EST August 7, 2024 and you will have a chance to win a $20 gift certificate to Waffle Flower Crafts.  I am accepting comments on my instagram account, too, so make sure you head over there as well for an additional entry. :) Several other design team members are hosting giveaways, and you can use #WaffleFlowerGiveaway to quickly search for them. 


  1. Beautifully done, Lindsey this is wonderful!

  2. I like how you put this all together. The colors look just wonderful--and the soft stenciling is just perfect.
