Hello, friends. It’s been a while. But I couldn’t miss the opportunity to honor a
beautiful soul. Today, my friends
from the 12 Kits of Occasions are doing a special blog hop in tribute to Sharron
Gregory, our sweet, sweet friend who passed away suddenly a few weeks
ago. Sharron was as kind as they
come. Always encouraging, uplifting,
supporting. She was quick to help and had a softness and
sincerity about her that I much admired.

How do you make a card
fitting to honor such a wonderful lady? As
I try to always do when I make a card of such importance, I started with a
prayer. Next, I headed to Sharron’s blog,
On Papillon Wings. I chose to use her
blog header (grey with orange butterflies) as my inspiration. I used The Stamp Market’s Papillon stamp set
as an added nod to the blog name.
While visiting her blog, I noticed that Sharron’s very last card she made (even when she wasn’t feeling great) was to lift a friend. I think that perfectly shows her character, serving and loving others right to the very end. And so I wanted to follow her example and made this card with a specific friend in mind.
My last bit of inspiration came from one of Sharron’s past kits that she mailed to us. I still had a few of the papers, so I pulled them out. After all these years of many kits, I’ve never forgotten that these particular papers came from Sharron. They were gentle, soft colors with music notes…perhaps the song of a bird because I know she enjoyed birds. You can see them on the leaves tucked behind the butterfly.
While visiting her blog, I noticed that Sharron’s very last card she made (even when she wasn’t feeling great) was to lift a friend. I think that perfectly shows her character, serving and loving others right to the very end. And so I wanted to follow her example and made this card with a specific friend in mind.
My last bit of inspiration came from one of Sharron’s past kits that she mailed to us. I still had a few of the papers, so I pulled them out. After all these years of many kits, I’ve never forgotten that these particular papers came from Sharron. They were gentle, soft colors with music notes…perhaps the song of a bird because I know she enjoyed birds. You can see them on the leaves tucked behind the butterfly.
If you have some time, please
take a moment to visit my friends’ blogs (start HERE), to share in our memories
and love for Sharron. She is sorely
missed. Her family is still in my
prayers, and I pray that peace may rest upon us all. Have a blessed day!